Mario C Vaises
"Más de veinte años prendiendo mi voz en estos aquelarres...". So it says something I wrote for Svdestada not long ago. It's been more than two decades filling our Scene with content, either writing for my bands —Svdestada, Khmer, El Ego, Another Kind of Death...—, either designing and illustrating for other bands, comrades in battle, building the underground from the very foundation, from our most naive youths. It is a whole life dedicated to this, since I can remember, moved solely by the inescapable need to create, to express myself in the only language that I really understand, sometimes getting others to express themselves through my work. I have dedicated every minute of my free time to art, whatever that is, sacrificing friends and relationships along the way, but unable to give up this way of life, thanks to which I have met and collaborated with people, bands and labels from all the world.